Shooting Off Fireworks? Take Your Pet Precautions!

As we ring in another firework holiday, we want to remind our pet owners about some precautions to help keep your fur babies safe during your festivities tonight. 

  • Fireworks are the number one item that will be used, and with that comes many anxiety issues with our pets. To help them with any anxiety they may experience, please be sure to provide them a quiet place to go that is farthest away from any of the noise. The outdoor pets should be brought inside during this time to help them not run off. There are several things that can help with your pet’s anxiety. There are medications that your Veterinarian can provide, Thunder shirts that provide your fur babies that feeling of a warm hug; but be sure to check out our anxiety blog for more information. 
  • If using fireworks, poppers or confetti filled items, be sure to clean up the remains. Pets tend to rummage through the leftover items and they can ingest them and it can cause them to become sick or even cause a foreign body to get lodged in their GI system. These can require possible surgery or worse if action is not taken quickly. 
  • Table scraps and leftovers sitting out are some of our furry friends’ favorite items when we are not paying attention. Making sure that your pets cannot reach any food items is another precaution. As many of our foods are not good for them. They can cause them to have GI issues and can become another possible cause for a foreign body.  
  • If you are like us, we love a good bonfire. With that being said we know the importance of watching our furry guests and making sure we have a specific area where we burn where they cannot get to. Make sure to watch them close so they do not burn themselves. We may think of it as silly but our pets will sit close and not realize how close they may be and with the warmth of the fire they can get comfortable and sit in a certain spot longer than they should, causing second degree burns.  

We hope everyone stays safe and is able to enjoy the day surrounded by loved ones and friends.  
