Food For Thought: Thanksgiving Edition

Thanksgiving is a time that many families spend hours preparing for and where so many fun memories are made. For our furry family members, it can be a fun time as well as a scary time. There are several things that owners need to be mindful of during this time of year.

  1. Keep the Turkey on the table! Turkey scraps can cause a life-threatening condition known as Pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas and can be very painful for your kiddo and can cause a detrimental outcome for many pets.
  2. We all know that chocolate can be deadly but just a reminder that the sweet smell of chocolate is what entices them, as it does to many of us as well.
  3. Yeast dough is used for many dishes and can be very dangerous for your fur babies. This can cause painful gas build up in the abdomen and can lead to a dangerous amount of bloating.
  4. Dispose of turkey carcass’ properly. Turkey bones break into tiny slivers and can become embedded into your pets GI tract. In a very short amount of time, this can become a life and death situation.
  5. Some holiday plants can be toxic to your furry kids. A few of these are baby’s breath and hydrangeas. If you go on the ASPCA website, they have a detailed list along with pictures of the specific plants. Be sure to keep your plants out of reach and your kitties off counters and shelves where these plants might be placed.
    • Be sure to have your poison control number where it is easily accessible.

Having company over for the holidays, is such a comforting thing for many families and during this season it is even more important than ever to spend as much time as we can with our loved ones. However, the commotion of the festivities can be overwhelming to our furry family members. If your kiddo has high anxiety or stress related issues, get togethers with lots of noise can trigger these problems and many times they can increase the severity.

  • Be sure to watch your exits because many times they will dart out the doors to escape the noise and commotion.
  • Provide a quiet place where there is little to no traffic of people going through, for you furry kids to go and have a place they can feel safe.

From all of us here at Tara’s Crate Escape, we want to wish you and your family a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!
